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Volvo flygmotor PDF Skriv ut E-post


The application Winstore follows the specification ”Hand Terminal Interface” from Volvo/VAES 112.1999.

It supports up to 50 simultaneously active terminals. (Due to hardware-limitations the max no of terminals may be lower)

Version 2.0.0 also supports the specification ”Terminal Uppdatering Kaj” from Volvo VAES 16.09.99

Development tools


The application source-code is written in ”pure” standard C-language.

The compiler being used is Borland C++ Ver 4.5



TekLogix SDK for 32-bit Windows provides the necessary interface to the TekLogix infrastructure.


Kund: TekLogix (Volvo Flygmotor)

Period: 1999-2001



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Hergus Systemutveckling